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Моральні засади майбутніх практичних психологів та шляхи їх розвитку

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Приводятся результаты исследования особенностей проявления нравственных принципов и устоев будущих психологов, которые планируют работать в практической плоскости. Описываются пути повышения сознательной нравственности будущих психологов как обязательного условия их профессиональной компетентности. Traditionally, professional development of future psychologists is examined in the light… Читати ще >

Аннотация. Моральні засади майбутніх практичних психологів та шляхи їх розвитку (реферат, курсова, диплом, контрольна)

В статье анализируется место и роль моральных устоев в структуре личности профессионального психолога. Рассматривается влияние нравственности психолога на качество осуществления его профессиональной деятельности. Изучается сущность моральных устоев и особенности их проявления в различных сферах деятельности практического психолога.

Приводятся результаты исследования особенностей проявления нравственных принципов и устоев будущих психологов, которые планируют работать в практической плоскости. Описываются пути повышения сознательной нравственности будущих психологов как обязательного условия их профессиональной компетентности.

Ключевые слова: практический психолог, нравственность, моральные принципы, профессиональная деятельность, компетентность.

Problem setting

Traditionally, professional development of future psychologists is examined in the light of knowledge, skills, and commitment to professional activity. The emphasis is on the personal qualities related to the use of techniques and technologies of psychological activity. Moral values of future professionals are often underestimated. At the same time, it is the moral maturity of personality that can become a guarantor of not making a damage to the future psychologist 's clients.

Recent research and publications analysis. Mentions about importance of individual moral maturity for professional activity in the system «man-man» can be found in many scientific psychological and pedagogical studies. The majority of works devoted to this subject has theoretical orientation and pursues the goal of understanding the role of morality in the structure of general psychologist competence. Without denying the importance of such studies we should note that empirical research would give much more information on the current state of morality offuture professionals in the field of practical psychology. Another, lack of current research is the excessive focus on the analysis of values and almost complete disregard of moral foundations of future specialists.

Paper objective is to analyze the results of the study of moral foundations of future psychologists and suggest ways offormation of moral maturity.

Paper main body. Practical psychologist is faced a number of moral «temptations»: «temptation of power,» which is manifested in the formation of the syndrome of patient dependence on the psychologist; «temptation pseudo self,» which is manifested in psychologist efforts to convert any contact with the client into demonstration of own strengths, thus often downplaying the client and slowing down the process of psychological healing; «temptation ofprofessional fashion,» which is manifested in the constant effort to use the client to test the latest tools of psychological work; «temptation of responsibility,» which is reflected in psychologist obsessed need to shift the responsibility from the shoulders of the client on his own; «temptation to gamble on the lack of criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of counseling», which manifests itself in not responsible work.

These temptations face almost all psychologists. Ethical principles of professional psychologist can afford to avoid them. But knowledge does not guarantee the ethical commitment to such principles. This willingness can be provided by the moral and ethical maturity of personality. Morality is a system of general rules and principles that formed during human development. Personal morality is also a reflection and embodiment of these principles in mind and human social behavior. There are several approaches to the diagnosis of moral development in psychology these days.

In our study we relied on the theory of moral foundations. Moral foundations are universal values system that actually presented in all cultural communities of our planet. The basic moral principles are: care / harm, fairness / cheating, loyalty / betrayal, power /powerlessness, sanctity / degradation. The most successful diagnostic tool in this approach is MFQ-30, which was used in this study.

Averaged moral profile offuture psychologists indicates the predominance of liberal morality type. Most developed principles were: care / harm (concern for others, keen ability for empathy, kindness, caring, tenderness to others), fairness / cheating (shown in sequential human desire for equality and fairness in dealing with others). Thus, the average score on a scale loyalty / betrayal was also quite high. Focusing on care and honesty in relationships, openness to new experiences, focus on others — these values are necessary to ensure the competence of psychologist.

Conclusions of the research. Modern training ofprofessional psychologists should focus not only on the formation of professionally significant personal qualities, knowledge, skills and abilities, but also on the development of moral maturity of the future specialist. Nowadays in psychology there are several basic approaches to the study of moral personality: study moral maturity by solving classic moral dilemmas; study the basic values of the individual; study of the moral foundations of personality and determination of harmony of moral profile. The future practical psychologists characterized by a strong focus on moral principles such as caring, honesty and loyalty, underlying social and psychological, communicative and professional competence. The initial and basic step of development of moral maturity of the future expert in the field of applied psychology is the awareness of their own moral principles, which is a prerequisite for internalization of professional ethics.

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